So today John and the boys had a men's night out. They ate man food, watched karate kid, and now have their own code language about hanging up the jacket or something like that. While they were out, Selah and I did our own ladies' night out.
First, we went shopping. Not just anyone can take Selah shopping. It takes a keen eye for detail and ninja sharp reflexes to survive such an outing. You see, she has a look. She enjoys shopping until the moment she decides she is over it. It could be five minutes, it could be a few hours, but when that look comes, I know to scoop her up and run. Run Forrest, run. That look is like my crystal ball into the future, and that future involves me turning red from embarrassment or anger, neither of which I wear well. It doesn't matter if I have hit the motherload of deals - nothing is worth what she becomes. I liken it to that wonderful cinematic classic, Gremlins. See how cute Gizmo is! Don't you just want to squeeze his furry little face.
But if you don't pay close attention, they turn into this!
Anyway, it was a good day, because we shopped without that look ever showing up. We ended our date by getting a free ice cream scoop, courtesy of the reading program at our library. As she ate her ice cream, we sat peacefully watching the bustle of our little downtown, and conversing about the things that are on the heart of a four year old little girl. In that moment, I saw another glimpse into the future. A future where maybe, just maybe, we would have more moments of sitting together and sharing the things that are on her heart. A future where I see not the girl before me, but the woman she will be. And a future where maybe, just maybe, she will talk to me about her own little gizmo, and I will show her this blog.
Such a sweet post Sue! And I still remember you saying that you didn't need a girl! =)