Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Death of the Home Party

Considering how big and sweaty and testosterone-filled Nathanael and his friends are getting, I decided to do my first non-home birthday party. At first, I had that guilt that I wasn't being all martha stewart like. Then I had guilt over all the money we would spend renting out a place.

But then we had the party and I have seen the light.

Nathanael wanted his party at an indoor sports place so he and his friends could do what they do best.....run, sweat, kick, sweat, throw, sweat, catch, sweat....

They played soccer, wiffle ball, and old school dodge ball. But the highlight of the party was the kids versus grown ups game. John definitely enjoyed re-living his childhood. It was a pretty awesome match. Kids prevailed.

But my personal highlight of the party....watching them eat snacks and pizza and drinks and cupcakes and not having to lift a finger. See that girl in the red shirt. Let's just say she earned her tip and then some.

As is our family tradition, we asked for guests to bring a small donation rather than a present for Nathanael to give to the charity of his choice. This year, he chose Food Fight (foodfightforhunger.com), an organization started by high school students in our community to empower youth to eradicate hunger in the world. Love their initiative. Love their vision. Love the hope it gives me for the future leaders of the world. Thanks to all of Nathanael's friends who contributed. We were able to raise $190!


  1. I love seeing the money shots every year! LOL! ~wynne

  2. such a great gift idea! i love it! i think i am going to transfer to the non-home parties starting at age 7! =)

  3. oh..you are SO tempting me to break loose from the home party as well. Looks like it was a great success! I'm so glad we didn't have to miss Nathanael's party this year. Mordecai had so much fun!!!!

  4. What a success, on so many levels! We've had home parties for Abby, but for Ollie, we've had outside parties. I'm afraid of what boys will do to my house.

  5. i'm gonna keep in mind all your posts for when i become a mom.....
